Our San Francisco
Our favorite city destinations
Parks & Food Trucks

Alta Plaza Park
Jackson & Steiner
Pacific Heights
This park is gorgeous and the views are spectacular. Located on top of a hill in Pacific Heights, this park has some of the best views of the city, the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Bernal Heights Park
1501-1699 Bernal Heights Boulevard
Bernal Heights
Bernal Heights is a quaint neighborhood tucked away in the southern part of the city. The panoramic views from this park are worth the 20-minute car ride. There really isn't another place in San Francisco that allows you to see the city the way this vantage point does. The trails are excellent for a solo walk or for sharing conversations. The grassland habitat makes for a great place to spot some wildlife. The last time I was there I saw an adolescent red-tailed hawk fiercely protecting its portion of the skies. And dogs, many, many dogs. After all we are a very dog-firendly city. Take lots of pictures; make your own postcard.

California Coastal Trail
Trailhead at the parking lot at the end of El Camino Del Mar
The California Coastal Trail runs over 1,000 miles through the Golden State. The must-see San Francisco portion begins at the northwestern corner of the city at the Sutro Baths, old ruins from the late 19th century glass-framed bath house that sat at the edge of the ocean as the Pacific washed over bathers. You continue on the trail east as it hugs the outermost northern part of the peninsula. Trees and greenery welcome you as you see the Golden Gate Bridge coyly peek through the branches.

Movie Night in Dolores Park
19th & Dolores Street
Dolores Park
Movie night in Dolores Park is one of the highlights of the summer in San Francisco. The city sets up an outdoor screen and shows about six movies in total between June and September. People generally arrive before the movie begins and set up picnic blankets, bring drinks and food, and enjoy the scheduled movie outside on beautiful San Francisco nights. Always a great way to spend a lazy Saturday evening.

Off The Grid Food Trucks: 5th and Minna
5th and Minna
Close to Union Square, this food truck event caters to all tastes and provides a quick bite for busy shoppers and business folk alike. Don’t get too attached to your favorite dishes as the vendors are always changing, which keeps us coming back to try new flavors. If you can’t decide what you are in the mood for, you will surely find something to satisfy your hunger. Don’t judge the food by the truck either, some of the best food gems come from the most unlikely vendors. Be sure to check out the offthegridsf website for updated schedules.

Off The Grid Food Trucks: Haight
Waller & Stanyan
Cole Valley
If you’re in the mood for a light bite and a romanic evening stroll, the Haight Street food trucks will certainly satisfy your needs. Choose from an abundance creative international dishes born of the best food trucks in the world. Enjoy your meal in the family friendly Golden Gate Park. Be sure to check out the offthegridsf website for updated schedules.

Off The Grid Food Trucks: Twilight at the Presidio
Twilight at the Presidio is all about variety of unique world flavors paired with beautiful scenes of the Golden Gate Bridge. This evening food truck event will satisfy almost any craving. Bring a jacket and a blanket for a unique nighttime picnic experience. Be sure to check out the offthegridsf website for updated schedules.

San Francisco Model Yacht Club - Golden Gate Park
Golden Gate Park - Sprekels Lake
Golden Gate Park
On most weekends, you can find tiny versions of grand yachts racing on Spreckels Lake in Golden Gate Park. The lake was designed with model yachting in mind and is also home to the San Francisco Model Yacht Club which was built in 1937 as part of a WPA project. Whether you are into free sail racing or power models or just want to say you have seen a mini-yacht race, the weekend regattas are quite a sight and one of its kind in the nation. Don't forget to check out the bison sanctuary on the way out of the park.

Tank Hill Park View
2 Belgrave Avenue
Cole Valley/Parnassus Heights
"You must have a plan, a good plan and it better be a good plan," I said to my wife while sitting on the green bench situated atop Tank Hill Park. "When it comes, when the big one hits San Francisco", in the words of Nathaniel, "You stay alive.. You’re strong. You survive. You stay alive no matter what occurs. I will find you…no matter how long it takes, no matter how far. I will find you.” Quoting a line from The Last of the Mohicans seemed, at the moment, to be the right thing to say to her. We made a pact to meet on top of this very hill at this very bench when the inevitable big one that every San Franciscan knows will hit - hits. There is something about this place and you can feel it once you walk up the railroad steps to the end of the path overlooking our little city, maybe it is the semitone light or the throws of mist holding onto the trees ... maybe it is from this particular vantage point you are able to see the city in a way unlike the obvious postcards of San Francisco views because it is not the obvious. This is not the "packaged" San Francisco the world is familiar with. This view is human and as you see the city beyond the Cable Cars and Full House houses, you see neighborhoods of people living on the side of little mountains each house holding onto the side of hills with a firm grip keeping an eye on each other as to say, "I'm not going anywhere, no need to worry, I'm still here" as each house & building blends & bends... while the sun is setting, holding fast and holding on. This is the view where you fall in love, this is the view where you promise everything to the person next to you, this is the view where you plan to meet when all else fails... find me here and I will find you. If you travel to the top of Tank Hill Park Path please notice there is a casted brass dedication on the green bench to Lily from her husband David and consider for a moment the path behind you, the one in front of you and this vantage point and take a deep breath, sit down and think of those who you love. Agreements are made on this spot of the earth, words can not describe.